Sunday, May 23, 2010

adorable kids

Action shot of Tye taken by our amateur photographer Katelin. Tye takes his plate to the sink after every meal and say "tow seek" (throw it in the sink). Adorable.
No words needed, just...Adorable. This is my wallpaper on my phone.
Katelin and Tye love covering themselves with the pillows on our bed. Katelin thought it was so funny that her arms, legs and head stuck out.
Tye blowing the trumpet.
So we were eating breakfast one morning and I gave Tye a piece of strawberry. He thought it was big so he said..."BIG ONE" in his low manly voice. Katelin digs in the strawberries and finds this enormous one (I think it was genetically altered in some way, or they just grow them this huge here in NC...) and says, "no THIS one is a BIG one" she thought it was so funny that she made me take a picture of it...adorable... words, just adorable...
Not sure why God gave us such ADORABLE kids...but He did!!!

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Welcome to our new blog! We thought this would be a fun way to share our pictures and lives with family and friends. Thanks for visiting. Enjoy!
Katelin celebrated her first birthday at her grandparents' house in Round Rock. We grilled hamburgers and had cake and homemade ice cream.

Katelin's one! (April 2007)
We went to the Grand Canyon for our vacation this year. We stayed in Sedona, Arizona. The mule ride was great fun! We suggest everyone seeing the Grand Canyon at least once in a lifetime.

Sedona, Arizona

Trip to the Grand Canyon- May 2007

Ready for the mule ride : )
Summer is definitely here! Katelin loves the pool.

Pool fun