So this is the story. Meg wakes up having tightening of her belly at about 4 yesterday morning. She falls back asleep, thinking nothing of it. She wakes up at about 5 with more pain more every 3-5 minutes. We finally decide that this is what real labor is and call the hospital. We head to the hospital at about 7. Speeding, running red lights, the whole "my wife's in labor" thing, because the contractions now really hurt and are really close. We get checked in to
Christus St. John's at about 7:45. Tye was welcomed into the world at 8:23am. No time for epidural, no time to really even think.
Here he is!!! Our sweet Tye.

Fresh out of the womb.

And he weighs.....9 pounds 7 ounces!!! 20 inches long.

Meghan will kill me for putting this picture up, but I thought it was classic. It's the "I just delivered a 9lb 7oz baby without an epidural" look. Way to go babe!!! I knew I married a real woman!!!

Here is the family looking on as Tye gets his first bath and shampoo. Nana, Grandad, my sister Kari, and
niece Keslyn drove down to help out and enjoy the occasion. I felt a little like a monkey in a zoo, but was glad they could watch the whole thing.
Once he was all fresh and clean, the whole family got to take turns holding him. First off is big sis Katelin. She was so excited to see her little brother. She kept saying "so sweet, so cute."

Proud Mom...really,
way to go, Meg!!! You look great right after delivery.

Very proud Dad : ) What daddy wouldn't be proud of his 9lb 7oz boy!?! Way to go Tye!!!

Our new
Flemmons Family of FOUR!!!

Proud Grandad.

Proud Nana.

We are so pround of you all. What a wonderful Easter blessing. Thank you for letting us be apart of such a special day in each of your lives. We love you all and can't wait to spend more time with your precious family. Love, Kari Brian and Keslyn
I am so excited for you guys!! He is so cute!!!
Congrats Kevin and Meghan!
He is too cute!!
Wow and congrats!!!! Meg looks absolutely beautiful before and after....not fair. Beautiful pics of everyone. Sweet times in galveston, memories we will cherish forever.
love the jory's
Congratulations! And how in the world did little Meg deliver a 9 1/2 pound baby??? You GO girl! He is a beautiful boy!
Yeah! We love him already.
Congratulations! Brady always wanted to do the high speed drive to the hospital. You'd think with five chances he would have gotten to do that. I don't think I would ever go into labor on my own!
Tye is sooo adorable! So happy everything went well. Meghan is truly amazing! No epidural! WOW!
I'm glad you got that date in before Tye arrived. Oh! How I miss Rudy and Paco's!
Holy Buckets! Big boy for a little girl! Congratulations Meghan and Kevin! We're so happy for you! Love Chad and Jess
CONGRATS! The Burtons are all jumping up and down in excitement for your family! And way to go Mr. Tye... you even outweighed Logan at birth..he was only 9lb 5oz! Everyone looks great and so happy. Thank you Jesus for this precious baby boy!
It sounds like your son is in a hurry to catch up with big sister. Congratulations. Meghan, I hope you have a speedy recovery. You are a brave lady.
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